I recently started attending a local Toastmasters group. This is a group that practices public speaking and leadership skills. Since I believe that there is always room for improvement, I decided to participate and volunteered to give a speech. This speech has to be about me, and anyone who knows me will agree that I don't like to talk about myself. Knowing this is probably why I volunteered. I will give my speech tomorrow night. I typed up my speech, and hope that it will go something like this.
(Roll out yoga mat) You're probably wondering why I rolled this yoga mat out? That's what I do every morning. I step to the front and greet the day with a smile. I go through an hour of asanas, rejuvenate is shivasana and meditate for a few moments. I haven’t always had that discipline. When I was in college I woke whenever my body decided. I’m not in college anymore and I realized that something needed to change. I couldn’t stick to the lifestyle of a college student. One day a seed was planted in my mind to get up early and do yoga. This thought manifested into action and I rolled out my yoga mat. After I finished I felt a rush of energy I never knew I possessed. This is a great example of how I like to live my life. My world starts as a thought, or seed planted in the soil of my mind. I toss the thought around in my mind (harvest the seed) and finally it manifests into reality, or blooms.
I am a creative person and I find it difficult to focus on one task for a long period of time. One thing that never changes is my desire to improve. Change is necessary for improvement and I strive to embrace it, though not always easily. What makes it more difficult is knowing that change comes from within. Going back to my yoga example; I was not getting satisfaction out of my day when I slept in, so I changed my actions. This is the foundation for which I live my life
I work toward living my life by three principles: karma, enlightenment and love. I view karma as doing what I know is right in my heart, based on morals that were instilled in me from my parents and other figures I admire. Enlightenment is working to improve myself. And finally love is what I aim to put into every action and interaction throughout my day.
Life is a journey and I have not mastered it. I will continue to try, using the principles and willpower that I possess. At the end of the day I give thanks when I’m on my mat. I don’t roll it up because I believe my journey is never ending.
If that is even half of your speech, I am sure it will go wonderfully!! :)